Photos from the event:
Animal Free Research UK and AZAR Innovations jointly organise an Organ on a chip MasterClass.
TARGET GROUP: Biomedical scientists from academia and industry from around the world who wish to get started or gain more experience with organ on chips.
Date: 7-8 March 2024
Location: ISH Venues, London, United Kingdom
GOAL: Help scientists adopt, develop or use organ on a chip assays more efficiently.
Register here! (Only a few seats left)
Watch the introduction webinar for this MasterClass:
This MasterClass consists of:
1. On-demand e-learning
- What is Organ on a chip?
- Why would you use organ on a chip?
- What components does an organ on a chip system have?
- What design types can you find?
- How do you choose the closest organ on a chip system to your application?
- Advantages and disadvantages of every design type.
- Go through a few examples.
2. Interactive lectures
- A custom-made summary of on-demand lectures.
- Examples tailored to interests of participants
- How are chips made?
- How do you prepare chips for cell culture?
- How do you (co-) culture cells in chips?
- How do you connect chips to flow systems?
- How do you extract data from an organ on a chip system?
- Explore different commercial organ chips
3. Hands-on lab training
- Work with 3 different chip types
- Work with 5 different flow systems (pumps)
- Connect pumps to organ chips and other components
- Learn about different protocols
- Simulate cell seeding with microparticles
- Use microscopy to observe organ chips
4. Commercial demos
- Hands-on experience with selected commercial organ chips or complementary technologies
- Ask questions directly from technology providers
- Discuss collaborations with companies
- Commercial demo table
- Get inspired for your design
ibidi is a leading supplier of functional cell-based assays and products for cell microscopy. The ibidi range of products offers organ-on-a-chip solutions for classic cell culturing, and also complex assays (e.g., angiogenesis, chemotaxis, and wound healing). ibidi also specializes in instruments, such as a unique perfusion system for the simulation of blood vessels.
Microfluidic ChipShop is one of the leading microfluidic products and service providers. A unique feature of the company is its catalogue with a huge variety of off-the-shelf microfluidic components and systems, allowing a low-cost rapid access to lab-on-a-chip technologies, such as Organ-on-Chip.
Netri, industrial start-up, offers the healthcare industries organs-on-chip which, coupled with AI treatments, enable the clinical effect of a compound to be predicted. NETRI’s high-throughput solutions recreate human physiology in vitro using compartmentalized cell co-cultures coupled with functional activity measurements.
5. Design your organ on a chip model
- Design your idea following the previous sessions
- Use our methodical canvasses to identify system requirements
- Use our design tools to design your own system
- Get inspired by our database of published articles
- Receive supervision from our trainers
- Present your design to experts and receive feedback
6. Expert views
- Discover applications of organ on chips with experts
- Interact with the experts
- Get inspired for your own system design
Dr. Pelin Candarlioglu Deacon
Director at 3D and 3Rs Ltd.
Cambridge, UK
Clive Roper, BSc PhD CBiol CSci ERT FRSB
Director Roper Toxicology Consulting Limited
Edinburgh, UK
Clive completed his degree, PhD and post doctoral research at Newcastle University before joining Charles River in 1996 rising to Director, In Vitro Toxicology in 2010. In 2021, Clive set up Roper Toxicology Consulting to develop and gain regulatory acceptance of NAMs. Clive serves on the 3RsC Collaborative, ESTIV, NC3Rs and PeptiMatrix Boards.
Dr. Hossein Eslami Amirabadi is a bioengineer with more than 10 years of experience developing organ on a chip systems for and with biologists. He is an instructor to biomedical scientists since 2015 in academia and industry. He has helped scientists to develop:
and more!
Emre Dilmen, MSc is a biologist with a passion for engineering solutions, with more than 5 years of experience working with organoids and developing organ on a chip systems with engineers. He has worked on:
- Kidney organoids and tubuloids
- Intestinal transport on a chip
- Kidney tubuloids on chip
Cannot attend this event? Take a look at other MasterClasses here, or fill in this form to know about upcoming Organ on a chip MasterClasses.
Any questions? Feel free to send us an email via [email protected].
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