Date: 20-23 September 2022
Location: i3S – Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde (University of Porto)
This MasterClass is jointly organized with i3S and University of Porto between 22-23 September 2022.
TARGET GROUP: Biologists and non-technical biomedical scientists who are working or want to start working with organoids and organ-on-a-chip systems.
i3S at University of Porto and AZAR Innovations jointly organise an Organ-on-a-chip MasterClass as part of
REMODEL Summer School:
Next-Generation Organoids and organ-on-chip
- Organs on chips are small medical devices in which researchers can grow living cells to model human organ functions.
- Setting up and operating these small chips with a fluidic system around them requires learning basic principles of physical processes, tools and methods.
- This is a MasterClass where biologists and non-technical users of these systems learn how to choose, set up and work with organ on chips.
The full program of the summer school can be found here. The Organ-on-a-chip MasterClass is part of this event and consists of:
1. Lectures by AZAR Innovations
- Organ-on-a-chip designs and configurations: helps participants choose or design an organ-on-a-chip system
- Organ-on-a-chip components: enables participants independently choose and implement different components and modules in an organ-on-a-chip system
- Organ-on-a-chip operation: simple but important know-hows about preparation, cell seeding, microfluidic theories and troubleshooting methods (e.g. bubbles and leakages)
- Commercial Organ-on-chips: help participants choose the right system, organ-on-a-chip companies and resources
2. Hands-on lab sessions by AZAR Innovations
- Set up Organ-on-chips: learn about different perfusion technologies, learn how to connect different components, learn how to prepare chips and seed cells in the chips.
- Operate Organ-on-chips: tips & tricks, must-know practical information, troubleshoot problems
3. Organ-on-a-chip Challenge
- Design your idea in an Organ on a chip: Working in a group, you will given a problem to solve. We will help you understand important aspects in every step of the way, and through this, you will learn the important factors from the design to validation of an organ-on-a-chip system.
- Work in a group: You will learn tips & tricks, and useful information from your peers through instructed sessions.
You can find more information about this MasterClass here.
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